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"Product features"?

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:56
by snowdrop
The header "Product features" on the index... should it maybe say "Game features" instead? Pros, cons?

Re: "Product features"?

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:22
by Knitter
If you'd asked me a week ago I'd say "Product features" since project was developing more than just a game. But now, after show the project to several students of mine it seems they only see the "game" aspect of the project. It's what appeals to them.

In light of that I think that maybe promoting the "game features" is more catchy :)

Re: "Product features"?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 01:22
by tex
Also, a product is something you push, something you sell, something that comes in a box and you then take it out and consume, so you can go to Wal-Mart and buy more. Open source projects don't produce products, weird as it may sound. From an American English point of view, I wouldn't use the word product.

Just say "features" with no other word in front. It's good enough.

Re: "Product features"?

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 19:27
by snowdrop
I don't agree that open source projects don't produce products. Whatever is the output of production is "the product", and open source in itself doesn't negate something being commercial, on the contrary the GPL insures that anyone can sell whatever is GPL.

I do agree with what you were getting at though and that in general "product" is mainlyh associated with something that is sold and a company that wants your cash. They more or less own the associations to the word, which is kind of a shame but only natural given we live in a consumerist culture.

In any case, I changed it to "game features" to underline what we're creating.

Re: "Product features"?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 21:40
by tex
I like "Game Features", works for me. : ]