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Gathering playtesting results

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:22
by Q_x
First I thought what we really need when playtesting.
In my opinion, there are two goals: looking for errors in game design, like balancing, adjusting card cost and stuff, the other is throwing new ideas.
There are also at least two stages of playtesting: single faction plays and multi-faction or even with mixed, multifaction decks. Since we are in very early stage now, all the rest of this entry will be targeted at covering some initial playtest in the form of survey, and I'll (or someone else) maybe came up with better idea later.
I'm afraid we can stumble into one serious problem. Core team of few game designers will have to rely on opinion of many testers. Some of them may be evil guys that will want to spoil the game, just for the sake of winning some competitions or because they don't like something, or are mentally retarded.
I'd rather construct the survey around describing winning strategy, this will make some things more apparent than when describing own strategy.

Problem is:
Having detailed feedback needs some serious time.
Making detailed feedback is not entertaining at all.

Solution: having two-part survey. Simple level will take about a minute to fill, detailed - more like 10 minutes. Filling detailed surveys after a batch of games would be my pick.

Mandatory thing is to write who played with who with what faction (s) and when it did happen.

Questions for the simple part:
I usually won/lost/games were balanced? (radio)
Winning was caused by: (checkboxes)
having better deck (fill details below)
tricky tactic (fill details below)
powerful, expensive single card (enter name and extra info below)
more than one powerful cards (enter names and extra info below)
using plenty of cheap cards (fill details below)
field: short summary and details
field: extra info
field: suggested changes

Questions for the detailed part:
field: Why the loosing side lost?
field: my complete deck
field: my tactics
field: opponent tactics
field: detailed conclusions for my deck after this games
field: detailed conclusions for the game design

This is just a proposal, really. Is it good enough to refine it? Any suggestions?

Re: Gathering playtesting results

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:29
by TorbenBeta
I agree with you on the two goals.
Every public test, has the threat of a malevolent user. But they are a minority and spotted rather quick.
I further agree with you that only after a couple of games, should a survey be filled out.
Some changes by me:
Questions for the simple part:
I usually won/draw/lost/? (ratio)
winning was caused by: (checkboxes)
having better deck (fill details below)
tricky tactic (fill details below)
powerful, expensive single card (enter name and extra info below)
more than one powerful cards (enter names and extra info below)
using plenty of cheap cards (fill details below)
field: short summary and details
field: extra info
field: suggested changes
I suppose that faction info is a check box too?
It is rather well done, but I will think about it a bit more.

Re: Gathering playtesting results

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 19:45
by Q_x
Faction info may be checkboxed, yups. It will be apparent in the long survey, when tester is supposed to copypaste his whole deck.